Are you ready for adventure? (Part 2)


Now the children know how to play the game they will be given the chance to explore the world and journey forward with their adventurers into the new stories the game has to offer. The focus of the session will be to recognise what parts of the story are important to completing the game and which goals are a distraction. We will discuss how to recognise the important goals in our own lives and prioritise them. And recognise that not all games are winnable but realising that there are still lessons to be learn from finishing it.

Core game ideas covered

  • Co-operative

  • Asymmetry

  • Character development

  • Dice rolling

  • Calculating risk

  • Forward planning

  • Time management

Key Questions

What where your goals?

Were there things that you could get distracted by that weren’t as important?

How did you decide on your goals?

To find out more information or register your interest please contact us by emailing below.